At the present time, I’m in the middle of the monumental task (not so monumental….don’t worry) of putting these lovely BK tracks together in some sort of logical, meaningful order worthy of soundtrack compilations. This project is no less a labor of love as everything else I’ve done. During this process, I ran across the piece of music that literally started it all for me….the one I’m about to share with you now. I heard it for the first time in shortened form on one of the DVD menus to one of the older Bel Ami films. So stunned I was at hearing this, I had to know who the soul was that created it, and to find more to add to my music collection that I prize just as highly as my film collection. For months I searched for a more complete track…then as I watched the scene between Marcel Bouvier and Sasha Kasperov unfold from Out At Last 2, I found it at long last. I captured it, played with it, cleaned it up as best I could, and now I present it here for all of you. Even now all these months later, this piece still moves me, as I went to try and find its companion piece that serves as lead in for Marcel’s and Sasha’s scene together, hearing it again moved me to loving tears. I’ve come to love this music so much just as much as the films from which it springs forth. I knew that it had to take someone with a great deal of love within their heart and soul to create such wonderful and heartfelt art. Yes, there’s simplicity in these melodies, an innocence that has helped to characterize Bel Ami’s films over these many years. Perhaps, in the scheme of things it really doesn’t matter who was responsible for its creation. What does, is that I’m helping to keep it alive by giving it a home, and in doing so, brings me a world of joy, just as presenting this blog to all of you has done. And in that same spirit of joy I had when I found it, I gift it now to all of you. I wasn’t sure what to call this one, so let it be known forever more as ‘Marcel and Sasha’. Enjoy this love scene now in musical form.
Music clips by B. K Sun; remain the sole intellectual property of Bel Ami Entertainment and no copyright infringement is intended.
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