Just for Fun: A re-kick start to the Summer Songs series

Back in June, I sort of began a video series project that was inspired by a post I had made last summer, entitled Summer Songs. That particular post featured mash-ups from each of the Frisky Summer films. When I decided to create this new series of clips, I wanted to include both old and new scenes from both Bel Ami’s website as well as their films, with a common thread that would link all of them together: they would all have, or give, a feeling of summer. That first time around I was hoping to finish around the first day of the summer solstice, but as usually happens, life got in the way. Now as it would happen we’re coming toward the end of the season. YIKES!

During the prior two months, I kept finding more and more scenes I wanted to present mash-ups for, and more and more music to put with them. With another project I was working on almost neck and neck with this one, I was quickly running out of time before I have to start back to school in the fall.Something had to give.Many scenes that I had originally picked for this project had to be scraped, to hopefully be worked on later for presentation on their own. But be that as it may, I think you’ll enjoy the ones I’ve chosen to represent this series, as it continues where I had left off.

The film, Just For Fun (2003), is simply that: fun.Not only does it have a great orgy scene to round out the film, but it has my new favorite four-way that serves as the film’s opening scene. And with Sebastian Bonnet, Tim Hamilton, Claude Cocteau, and Jason Paradis how could this scene be anything but fun. It starts off as a delightfully cute photo session, that very quickly turns into a sexy erotic romp.

I chose to kick off the Summer Songs series again with a short mash-up of this scene, using as it’s musical accompaniment two songs from the Cocteau Twins, Lorelei from their album, Treasure, and Cherry-Coloured Funk, from their album Heaven Or Las Vegas.


Welcome to the Best Little Rest Stop in the Valley!

The second clip for this kick-start post is a very brief clip of the Blow Job Orgy from Mating Season (2007). The setting is an outside bar where the guys are all sitting and taking the load off with a drink.
Joey Amis uses the bar’s rest room to help provide the guys with a little different kind of relief. This scene gives the term, rest stop, a whole new meaning, as one by one, they visit the bathroom for these very special services.

And all goes well, until the barkeep, Steve Jennings, decides to collect his payment from Joey to use his bar’s facilities. It’s not money he wants, but his ass. You’ll soon get the idea.

All video clips and images remain the sole property of Bel Ami Entertainment and no copyright infringement is intended.