A Video Tribute in Two Parts
Enchanted Forest Main Theme music clip:
Part One: Introduction
To take a stroll through this beautiful and lush natural haven, you must do two very important things: 1) rest easily in the Goddess’ grace, and 2) leave all your inhibitions elsewhere. These five adventurous and loving couples do exactly that. Eager are they to explore this natural environ in all its greenery and splendor; even more so, to disrobe and explore the environs of one another with total abandon. They completely throw all caution to the seven winds and place all their faith in the ones they love, if not the Goddess who steadfastly watches over them. Under the blue skies of this place, and with only the trees, the greenery of the underbrush, and rocky caverns to bear witness, they let their loving, passionate souls take flight. Shutting out all else, all other sounds, except those of their own beating hearts and sighs of pleasure they explore one another to their hearts’ and souls’ delight. In this sacred space, only love prevails, as they totally lose themselves in one another, giving in to the raptures of their pleasures. This is a place where love magic is abundant and one can’t help but become lost in it and garner strength from it, expelling your own love energy back to the Goddess. She looks down upon these lovers, with invisible arms She cradles them and for the time they are in Her domain, She holds them in her quiet protection as they while away the hours blissfully in each other’s arms, as they indulge their bountiful pleasures.
Over the next couple of posts, beginning with this extra long one, comes a very special tribute to a very beautiful film. Marty Stevens and George Duroy have clearly out done themselves this time.Not only have they given us some of the most stunning videography to grace celluloid in some time, but also thanks to the beauty of these ten gorgeous Adonises, they have filmed also some the most stunningly beautiful erotica, since Lukas In Love (2005). Enchanted Forest (2005) is a beautiful work of erotic art. Yes, upon viewing this film I was, too, in a word: enchanted.
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To present this tribute and really give it it’s just due, and to begin things off, I created a fan trailer of the film, trying to capture the film’s overall beauty. The outdoor location of this very lovely woodland area is the perfect setting for this ‘love feast for the eyes’ I believe that was George and Marty’s overall intent: to not only shoot great erotica, but they wanted to give us this sensual place to become lost in ourselves. The music piece I chose seemed to fit in with my idea as nature being this living, breathing being with mysteries still we have yet to understand. I wanted the musical piece to reflect an idea I had of a magical, fairy-tale world and I had to find something more orchestral with an exotic bent to it. The music of Mychael Danna fit that idea well. During my searching I found the perfect music fit for my fan trailer: the B.K Sun music I was able to find from the Enchanted Forest DVD itself. It was perfect in every way, sounding like it could easily belong to a Hollywood film epic soundtrack. I knew this music would capture beautifully the lovely heart and soul of this gorgeously erotic film. The second is the original Bel Ami film trailer. Then, more of my musical soul becomes revealed:
In another video tribute I did earlier, I used a song (Rubina) by one of my all-time favorite guitar gods, Joe Satriani. His unique style of playing almost seems as if the guitar is singing, and it’s all in the musical ‘phrasing’. No one I’ve ever heard of has created as unique of a guitar sound as Joe has done. From album to album, his sound from song to song changes; he never does the same song twice sound-wise, which makes him one of the most creative songwriters to date. His energy and his passion for the music he is playing is so evident, that you can feel it, way down into your very soul. All the music used in these videos is by Joe. I chose those songs that I felt had the most passion and could very well be used to score a love scene of high, passionate energy. Each song has been very carefully chosen for each couple in the film. In keeping with the film’s original pace, I decided to present these video clips in order as they were seen in the film.
The next post will be a special video gallery of images taken from the film.
Enjoy this leisurely and sensuous stroll through this very enchanted forest!
Official Bel Ami Enchanted Forest film trailer
Fan Trailer:
Part Two: The video tributes
Scene 1: Steve Jennings and Liam Phoenix; music clip~ Out of the Sunrise, Joe Satriani
Scene 2: Ethan Clarke and Sven Olafsson; music clip~ Come On Baby, Joe Satriani
Scene 3: Mark Aubrey and Sascha Chaykin; music clip~ Revelation, Joe Satriani
Scene 4: Christian Bisset and Brandon Manilow; music clip~ If I Could Fly, Joe Satriani
Scene 5: Alex Orioli and Erik Simon; music clip~ Made of Tears, Joe Satriani
Giving credit where it’s due:
Video clips taken from Enchanted Forest (2005), directed by George Duroy; all video clips remain the sole property of Bel Ami Entertainment and no copyright infringement is intended.
Music clips: Fan Trailer music clip~ Music clip from the Enchanted Forest DVD (B.K. Sun); Out of the Sunrise, Revelation, and Come On Baby, Joe Satriani, taken from Professor Satchafunkilus and the Musterion of Rock (2008); If I Could Fly?Joe Satriani taken from Is There Love In Space? (2005); andMade of Tears taken from Super Colossal (2006). All music clips remain the sole property of the copyright holder and no copyright infringement is intended.