Category: DVD
BelAmi Sex Buddies Matt Phillipe, Manuel Rios, Alex Orioli and Colin Reeves
Roger Lambert
Bolek Polanski and Frederick
Bolek Polanski and Frederic -This has to be one of the earliest episodes shot by Luke Hamill together with Sebastian Bonnet. It is the only scene we have with Frederick and Bolek has several scenes to his credit both on DVD (you can explore his history further at BelAmiOnline)
Vadim Farrell is Bigger Than Big
Vadim Farrell This is a special solo with Vadim that will be featured in the upcoming BelAmi DVD in the Bigger Than Big series. – Take the free tour and see Vadim Farrell naked, hard and shooting his load now!
Yves Carradine
Yves Carradine -This photo set of Yves was from an earlier visit the team made to South Africa (roughly around the 2002-2004 time period).
Seriously Sexy Foursome Jacques, Troy, Brandon and Luke
Keanu Faria
Sebastian Bonnet, Freddy and Luke Hamill
BelAmi threesome Josh Elliot, Luke Hamill and Vincent Soula
Josh Elliot, Luke Hamill and Vincent Soula -This scene was originally shot for the film Graffiti and it was intended for the end of the four-way scene with Elias Kudrow and Justin Boyd. When the film was being put together, the cutesy factor to this scene probably was what lead to the decision that a mutual jerk off and blow job sequence between Josh Elliot and Luke Hamill would work better and this scene was subsequently removed from the final cut of the film. This scene is available on the Out At Last 5 DVD