Festival of Love: 5th Night

As we vastly approach the end of this hopefully, lovely and special festival, I felt a need now to raise the ante, only just slightly. Well, alright, perhaps not immediately at this moment, but very soon. We are at the half way point of not only this festival but also the Chanukah holiday. We’ll let… Continue reading Festival of Love: 5th Night

Festival of Love: 4th Night

We are approaching the half way point of this very special holiday Festival of Love, and at this time I thought it would be appropriate to present a video clip from a very special film. I’m speaking of course, of An American In Prague (1997). To my sorrow, I’ve not covered this film much…my very… Continue reading Festival of Love: 4th Night

Festival of Love: the last Night

As this festival series slowly draws to a close, I prepare the last candle to be placed and lit while the final scene to crown our candelabrum is revealed. For this final scene, how could I resist showing another one with my sweet angel, Josh Elliot. Of all of Bel Ami’s treasured beauties, Josh typifies… Continue reading Festival of Love: the last Night

Festival of Love: 7th Night

Word of caution regarding this next one: secure all flammable materials and make sure you wrap your computer with asbestos. I can’t be held responsible if your computer spontaneously combusts on account of how stunningly hot this scene is. And because it’s Mark Aubrey and Joel D’amici, I would never expect anything less from these… Continue reading Festival of Love: 7th Night

The Festival of Love continues…somewhat

Although the Festival of Love video series has long since ended, still I couldn’t put the project to bed completely without giving you all another little something: a short slide show of images taken from the scenes that I posted. Links of the films are given at each video posting, but it couldn’t hurt to… Continue reading The Festival of Love continues…somewhat

Festival of Love: 6th Night

Hmmm….what to do to these guys now? The sixth night of this festival is upon us and the question arose: what now? Indeed. Well, as it happens, it’s time I raised the ante a little. I wonder just how hot I can get you all. As if what I presented so far didn’t quite do… Continue reading Festival of Love: 6th Night

Festival of Love: 3rd Night

Let’s heat things up a little around here, shall we? As if things weren’t hot enough around here. In my corner of the world, us folks in the Northern Hemisphere are beginning to feel the first inkling of approaching winter. As if the nights coming sooner isn’t depressing enough for some people, but the weather… Continue reading Festival of Love: 3rd Night

Festival of Love, Bel Ami Style: 1st Night

The soft, warm glow of the Shamash carries over into the first night of this lover’s fete. Although this scene we’ve all become familiar with by now, I would be gravely amiss if I didn’t include it. This gorgeous, romantic and passionate classic from Lukas In Love Part One (2005), burns with a radiant fire… Continue reading Festival of Love, Bel Ami Style: 1st Night