Prior to joining, I was collecting their DVDs and by the time I had gotten around to purchasing Cherries and Flings, I was just completing the videography collections of both Johan Paulik and Lukas Ridgeston. I was wondering whose would be the next one to ‘flesh-out’. The same friend who showed me images of… Continue reading Cherries and Sweet Flings Film Scene By Scene
Category: Film Scene By Scene
The Festival of Love continues…somewhat
Although the Festival of Love video series has long since ended, still I couldn’t put the project to bed completely without giving you all another little something: a short slide show of images taken from the scenes that I posted. Links of the films are given at each video posting, but it couldn’t hurt to… Continue reading The Festival of Love continues…somewhat
Pillow Talk Series- Scene by Scene
At present, and should it surprise no one, my Bel Ami DVD collection continues to grow by leaps and bounds. If one were to ask me what was my favorite Bel Ami film, I’d have a hard time answering, for many have become favorites. Previously I presented a scene by scene gallery video of images… Continue reading Pillow Talk Series- Scene by Scene
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