Ariel Vanean and Colin Hewitt

Enjoy this hot fuck scene with Ariel Vanean and Colin Hewitt . You will probably be able to tell from who is in this clip that today’s Flashback clip is not quite so old, but definitely from the early days of Colin Hewitt. Ariel is our top for this scene today and we hope you enjoy it – Take the free tour and see Ariel Vanean and Colin Hewitt naked, hard and shooting their loads now!

Davy Paxton 2012

We all know how much guys adore Davy Paxton and because how you all love Davy so much, so today we have convinced George to give you a little more of a taste of him with this photo set. These pics were taken in Brazil and you can quite see a progress from his first pictures taken ( ) – Take the free tour and see Davy Paxton naked, hard and shooting his load now!